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Gifts In Honor of:

+ Nancy Farren, requested by Anne Marie Colombo

+ Nancy Farren, requested by John and Mary Fullerton

+ Reverend Thomas Gillespie OSFS, requested by Rose & Herb Grolnick

+ Janet Davenport, requested by Kay Pitts

+ Nicole Burmeister, requested by Kailyn Matacale in honor of her birthday

+ Susan Eckert, requested by Adele Pappas in honor of her birthday

+ Audrey Messick, requested by Robin Raineri and Nancy Clark in honor of her birthday

+ Joan & Jack Conroy, requested by Rose & Herb Grolnick

+ Kay Pitts, requested by Gloria Messey

+ R & B Lahmann, requested by S.A. Lahmann

+ Julie and John Gervais, requested by Joan and Jack Conroy

+ Joan & Jack Conroy, requested by Rose Grolnick

+ Jack Conroy, requested by Rose Grolnick in honor of his 80th birthday

+ Jack Conroy, requested by his grandchildren in honor of his 80th birthday

+ Jack Conroy, requested by Mary Zoe and William Bowden in honor of his 80th birthday

+ Jack Conroy, requested by Irma Lesser in honor of his 80th birthday

+ Nancy Farren, requested by June McDermott
+ Barbara Fossum, requested by all her neighbors in Naples

+ Audrey Messick, requested by Robin Raineri in honor of her birthday
+ Audrey Messick, requested by Nancy and Thomas Clark in honor of her birthday
+ Joan & Jack Conroy, requested by Rose & Herb Grolnick

+ Josephine Cuff, requested by Virginia Finlayson

+ Audrey Messick, requested by Robin Raineri in honor of her birthday

+ Landon T. Howell, requested by Kelly Cox in honor of his 10th birthday

+ Providence House staff, requested by Patricia E. Moylan and requested by  Mary Ann Hendricks

+ Wanda and S. Raymond Truskowski, requested by Thomas A. and Helen Vantiem

+ Alessandra Higgs and Mother, requested by Mrs. Rosemarie Ryan

+ Thomas Lovse, on his fifth birthday, requested by Birthday Guest

+ Audrey Messick, on her birthday, requested by Nancy Clark

+ Jayne Ransing, requested by Joseph G. Hagenbach

+ John Conroy, Ph.D., requested by Order of Malta - Naples

+ William Christ, requested by Charles & Mary Thomas

+ Reverend Michael P. Orsi, requested by Jean Takacs in honor of his 40th Anniversary of his ordination

+ Reverend Michael P. Orsi, requested by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tusa in honor of his 40th Anniversary of his ordination

+ Joan Conroy, requested by Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Grolnick in honor of Joan's birthday

We would love to include the name of someone special to you on this page!

Just contact us at (239) 692-8779 or mail request to P.O. Box 128 Naples, Fl 34106

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