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Our program
"Providence House gave me and my child a home, equipped with everything we need. Providence House has helped me save money, settle my credit cards and learn to manage my money. It helps us set goals and stay in focus to reach them."
Our Vision
Providence House aims to strengthen family life and dignity by offering a program that allows mothers and their children to transition out of homelessness and into self-sufficiency.
Our Families
They are not chronically homeless, rather they are the situationally homeless, who lack the long-term support necessary to acquire the assets foundational to re-establishing their families. They are motivated and ready to work hard for the changes they desire. They are homeless due to unexpected hardships including loss of full-time employment, the ending of a relationship, or domestic violence.
Our Way
The two-year accountability program not only encourages the development of self-efficacy, but it also provides women and their children with resources that they need to become independent. By working one-on-one with a Case Manager weekly, each participant in the program graduates from the two-year program with goals that lead to long-term stability and independence.
Our two-year accountability program provides each participating family with the following:
A fully furnished apartment home, situated on our safe and attractive campus (complete with small and major appliances)
Strategic goal planning and guidance through Case Management
Opportunities to obtain GED, to pursue higher education or techincal training, etc. and opportunities for personal growth through Life Skills classes
Referrals to local providers within our Continuum of Care (counseling, career prep, etc.) and a supportive community of like-minded moms
Providence House helps participating women create goals that will offer them the opportunity to:
Grow in awareness and appreciation of their dignity and self-worth
Develop and practice important life skills
Increase their level of education and marketable skills
Improve their level of employment
Grow in awareness and appreciation of their dignity and self-worth
Develop and practice important life skills
Increase their level of education and marketable skills
Improve their level of employment
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